Technical tester - Energy industry
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For our customer in the power industry, we are searching for a non-functional tester.
As the European power market is moving towards a green, integrated, and harmonized future, a new model for balancing the Nordic power system is called for. To achieve this, the Nordic TSOs have established the Nordic Balancing Model (NBM) cooperation. This involves the introduction of new system services to provide the needed automation and digital support in the balancing process. As a Balancing Service Provider (BSP), the customer will develop new solutions in the interface between IT and business. In this context, the customer intends to strengthen the testing team with a non-functional tester that will work with the planning and execution of non-functional tests.
Description of the Service
In the planning- and execution- phase of the project the non-functional tester will work with planning and designing tests, performing preparations for testing like installations and technical configurations, and finally executing of the tests including documentation.
The test types expected to be covered are performance tests, stability tests, operability tests, and security tests. The tester will work together with the test manager on the project.
Competency and Experience
The consultant must have minimum 3 years of experience with non-functional testing, one year of experience with test automation, and preferably also experience with technical testing. The consultant must have experience with relevant tools and knowledge about system architecture and technical infrastructure.
- The consultant needs to be able to obtain a security clearance.
- Experience with test automation and associated tools
- Experience with performance testing
- Experience with stability testing, e.g., availability, robustness, recovery, and similar
- Experience with integration testing on unit and system level
Other beneficial capabilities:
- Security testing, e.g., confidentiality and integrity
- Experience with Azure and Kubernetes
- Knowledge of the power market, either from the production side (BSP) or TSO
- Testing certifications, like ISTQB or similar
Personal characteristics:
- Fluent in Norwegian and English, written and verbal
- Good communication and cooperative skills in team settings, internally in the organization, and towards external stakeholders
- Be structured and systematic
- Ability to quickly familiarize with new issues, and propose solutions
- Ability to drive processes alone, but at the same time also be a team player.
Required skills:
Non-functional test
Test automation
Performance test
Integration test
Desired skills:
Competence area
Test and test management
Option to prolong
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Sourcing Manager
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