Project manager for two facility management projects

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Request ID: 23-09-4598
Published: 07.09.2023

For our customer in the Energy industry, we are looking for one project manager resource to support two projects, named Future HQ and Ella Space, in the HR and Facility Management domain. When responding to this request, please provide the CV in English and also write a short paragraph answering this question; Why is this the right candidate for the job?

Future HQ is the project that has defined what the customers future HQ should be from perspectives such as sustainability, employee experience, services, green mobility, security, technology etc. Currently we are planning the construction specification and requirements in preparation for a continued dialogue with the current landlord.

Ella Space is the project adapting the current office space to the new reality after Covid, and ensuring a good employee experience at the current office facilities. The project refurbishes floor by floor to bring everything to the same level and concept. The customer have developed our own workplace concept which is now being rolled out. Three major business areas will move during the next months, so ensuring anchoring, change management and training is key. 

The project manager role will be key in both project and the main responsibility is the formal project management from updating charter, roles & responsibilities in the project, cost and risk control, prepare and host validation board/steerco and ensure progress according to timelines and delivery expectations. The project manager is also important in the dialogue with the vendors, landlord, as well as to ensure change management and communication activities are performed in a way that ensures successful implementation. The project manager will also serve as the link between the two projects, ensuring alignment and knowledge transfer across.

Future HQ has an internal project manager from before. However, the current project manager is unavailable at the time of this request. Planned return is sometime this year, but it is uncertain when. Upon the return of the internal project manager for Future HQ, the role of the new project manager will be to work alongside her continuing the tasks above, while the role in ELLA Space continues as before. The % division between the projects can be adjusted in agreement with project owner.

The Project Manager will collaborate closely with Real Estate experts from Malling, subject matter experts from a variety of professions, as well as project owner organization (Hans Kr and Helga for both projects). The Future HQ project is owned by EVP Staffs.

Required competence

  • Senior project management competence (planning, execution, controlling, communication).
  • Stakeholder management with well developed communication skills.
  • Insight to and/or experience from the facility management and HR domain.
  • Proficient in English and Norwegian.

Required skills:
Facility management Stakeholder management

Competence area

Project management






Norwegian & English





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Apply ASAP
Contact person:
Marthon Hermansen
Sourcing Manager
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