Project/Program Manager
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For our telecommunication customer, we are searching for a Senior Project manager.
Our telecommunication customer is subject to regulatory requirements (the EKOM Act - in addition to the Safety Act for designated facilities) on our ability to monitor, identify and respond to undesirable incidents. This includes video surveillance of facilities covered by the legal requirements. This primarily affects the estimated designated facilities under the Safety Act, and all facilities highly classified according to the EKOM Act. So secure this compliance, we need to Introduce a new Video surveillance system on our large production premises (main sites) in the office.
The task for the PM includes:
- Vendor contact
- Consolidation video system (3 to 1)
- Implement new system
- Phase out old system
- Secure through process enablement that line organization can monitor and act on relevant events on site
The project needs to involve resources cross boarder and cross functional in many different units The PM will be responsible for identify cost elements for the new system, initiate purchase of cameras, servers and licenses, introduce the system into the Security value chain and secure that the necessary units has right competence and processes to handle the system and events, for 1 of the main sites. The line organization will then take over and implement the same system on other necessary locations based on the process made in the main phase of the project.
We are looking for a PM that is:
- Structured
- Outgoing
- A good communicator
- Teambuilder
- Adjusts behavior quickly and effectively to meet a goal, overcome an objection, or resolve a concern
- Enthusiastic and positive, even in tough situations. Promotes team effectiveness by facilitating and building on the ideas of others.
- Relevant education and experience in project management.
- Professional English proficiency
- Knowledge and insight of IT and Telecom is an advantage
Competence area
Project management
English and Norwegian
Option to prolong
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