Management Consultant - Telecom
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- Responsible of keeping overall overview of the company cost base in Norway
- Carry out monthly reporting and analysis, analyzing variances from forecasts and targets, including a consolidated view of the company’s costs
- Rolling forecasts
- Monthly closing activities supporting commercial and administrative divisions, ensuring timely and accurate reporting
- Proactively engage in identifying root causes of trends and variances through understanding of drivers and figures, providing guidance to management on potential cost improvements
- Contributing to improve financial processes, principles and tools in the organization ensuring ownership and understanding of cost within their operational area of responsibilities
- Support finance and the business performance teams on ad-hoc reporting and analysis
- Be a key link between HR and finance ensuring good track and reporting of KPI’s
- Ownership of cost structure and cost hierarchy and identify processes and methods to simplify tasks and way of working Personality
- Strong analytical skills, business understanding and ability to quickly assess complex issues
- Structured, efficient and able to communicate financial effects and drivers both for financial and non-financial recipients easily and understandable
- Results oriented, ambitious and high working capacity with capability to work on various demanding tasks at the same time
- Proactive and ability to challenge the organization in a constructive way, see solutions and follow up on results
- Collaborative and one that builds relationships across professional environments and organizational levels
- Independent and self-driven, but operating as a team player
- Service minded with a positive attitude and willingness to go the extra mile to meet our organizational goals Experience
- 3+ years of experience from a Business Controller function (or similar financial roles)
- Minimum Bachelor and preferably Master within Economics or MBA
- Experience handling large datasets and complicated contexts
- As a minimum you have a good understanding of Norwegian and good command of the English language both spoken and written
- Experience in working efficient in Excel and Power Point
Competence area
Management for hire
Option to prolong
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Sourcing Manager
Markeds- og kommunikasjonsrådgiver
Request ID: 25-02-9704 Published: 2025-02-26Avd. Brukeropplevelse og datadeling (BOD) i Digitaliseringsdirektoratet (Digdir) har behov for 1 konsulent innen markeds- og kommunikasjonsarbeid i prosjekt ‘Modernisering Altinn’ Pr i dag dekkes rollen av én av våre faste ansatte – som skal ut i permisjon. Arbeidet er relatert til prosjektet ‘Modernisering av Atlinn’Konsulenten går inn i innføringsaktivitetene i prosjekt ‘Modernisering Altinn’ – som fagperson på marked og kommunikasjon. Konsulenten vil jobbe tett med andre fagpersoner på samme......
Project management, Other
Senior DevOps-fullstackutvikler
Request ID: 25-02-8667 Published: 2025-02-26Avd. Brukeropplevelse og datadeling (BOD) i Digitaliseringsdirektoratet (Digdir) har behov for 1 senior fullstack-utvikler som skal levere funksjonalitet til ulike løsninger innen Altinn 3 og modernisere/migrere formidlingstjenesten, meldingstjenesten/DVP/DPO fra Altinn 2 til Altinn 3.Konsulenten skal arbeide i Team for Altinn 3, og vil hovedsakelig arbeide med produktene melding og formidling. Utvikling av produktene er igangsatt, og konsulenten vil være med på å ta løsningen fra konsept/startf......