Prosjektleder - National Security Act
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The (new) National Security Act came into effect on 1st January 2019.
Its purpose is to contribute to
- safeguarding Norway`s sovereignty, territorial integrity and democratic form of government and other national security interests,
- preventing, uncovering and counteracting security-threatening activities,
- security measures being implemented in accordance with fundamental legal principles and values in a democratic society Basic National Functions (BNF): Voice, SMS and Data (will be further broken down/operationalized by the authorities)
Our customer is subject to the National Security Act due to processes of security rated information, ownership of information, information systems, objects and/or infrastructure that are crucial for Basic National Functions, and conducts activities that are crucial for BNFs To be able to meet timeline and requirements the project is in need of extra project resource that can support in to the main project and be stream lead / project manager for Infra stream.
The resource will focus on two main areas; Project support – National Security Act
- Coordinate and follow up project sub-stream leads to ensure that milestones and deliveries are achieved
- Facilitate and coordinate weekly status meetings in project and sub- streams to ensure that plans and activities are aligned and on track
- Coordinate and align reporting from sub streams to main project
- Report on KPI progress for main project Project lead – Infra Sub stream ( site improvements )
The infra compliance stream is responsible for achieving adequate security on tech sites.
As project lead you will work closely with dedicated line resources in achieving project goals and deliveries.
- Project planning and documentation
- Budgeting and finance control
- Coordinate and facilitate activities within the stream.
- Information and communication in Infra stream and towards main project
- Reporting
- Infra Steering group
- Main projects
- Other key stakeholders
- Coordinate and assist in communication and activities with external vendors
- Facilitate procurement processes in close cooperation with our customer sourcing.
- Good structure and coordination ability
- Good communication skills both written and oral (Norwegian and English)
- Proactive and able to work independent Experience;
- Project management
- Experience from facility management/ construction is an asset, but not required
- Experience from contract management / procurement
All candidates must be in possession of or being able to obtains a Norwegian security clearance.
Required skills:
Security clearance
Contract management
Desired skills:
Facility management
Competence area
Management for hire, Project management, Security
Norsk og engelsk
Option to prolong
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