Team autonomous vehicles for Ruter’s Radical Innovation unit

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Request ID: 22-11-6804
Published: 17.11.2022

Ruter are loooking for the three following roles:

  1. AV Technology Consultant
  2. Strategy and Partnerships Consultant
  3. Product Manager Consultant

Ruter are looking for change-minded individuals excited by opportunities to take on new and complex assignments for Ruter’s Radical Innovation unit. The candidates will be assigned tasks in different work streams pertaining to autonomous vehicles. Candidates must anticipate assignments within other areas of the same project according to time and capacity.

About Ruter
Ruter As is the Public Transport Authority (PTA) of the Oslo region, owned by Oslo municipality (60%) and Viken County Council (40 %). Ruter delivers mobility in Oslo and the Akershus area of Viken. All mobility services are performed by suppliers contracted by Ruter.

The company is responsible for over half of Norway’s public transport journeys. In 2021 alone, Ruter reported a total of 246 million trips. Ruter has over 50% market share of public transit in Norway.

Ruter is the largest PTA in Norway, with leading expertise in new mobility services and public transport. Ruter is globally recognized expert on planning, coordinating, ordering, and marketing of mobility services. This includes analysis of traffic flows and customer needs, route planning and fleet management, procurement processes, customer interface (including ticketing), marketing and communication. Ruter is a leader in embracing digital solutions to collect and harness data to improve its services, as well as the adaptation of innovative working practices to introduce new mobility services for their customers.

Background for assignment
Fleets with shared, autonomous vehicles will be important in creating more flexible, individual, and cost- effective services for customers in the years to come. It will provide opportunities for new service offerings that both complement and replace existing services and help create a realistic alternative to the private car.

Ruter has since 2018 been trialling autonomous vehicles as an integrated part of the Oslo region's public transport services. Our initiative is among the largest and most ambitious in its category, continuously yielding valuable knowledge and unique industry relations.

Role and responsibilities
We are in need of candidates for three different roles for the autonomous vehicles activities in the Radical Innovation unit. For all roles, it is positive if candidates have relevant, international experience, and the ability to navigate a complex ecosystem of interests.

AV Technology Consultant
The AV technology consultant will support work streams pertaining to autonomous vehicle technology, identifying, and evaluating systems, components, and suppliers together with the project team. In addition, they are expected to contribute to other work streams as needed by the project and as time allows.

Together with the rest of the project team, the chosen candidate will:

  • Work on technical understanding/evaluation and be part of ongoing dialogues with potential AV technology suppliers/partners.
  • Be responsible for shaping and driving parts of the technologies needed for possible new service offerings
  • Work on organizational and infrastructural needs driven by possible new service offerings

We expect candidates to have one or more of the following:

  • Experience with AV (autonomous) technology and/or digital mobility technology ecosystems
  • In-depth knowledge of the mobility technology sector, with experience in one or several of the
  • following areas: public transportation, ridesharing, ride-hailing, shared micro mobility.
  • Experience in execution of technology strategies in innovative mobility solutions space
  • Proven track record of product/project delivery, from early development to market entry

Strategy and Partnerships Consultant
The Strategy and Partnerships consultant will support work streams on identifying and partnering with technology companies, government entities and other potential partners together with the project team. In addition, they are expected to contribute to other work streams as needed by the project and as time allows.

Together with the rest of the project team, the chosen candidate will:

  • Work on strategy for possible new services offerings
  • Be responsible for dialogue and negotiations with potential partners/suppliers
  • Detail-out needs to support possible future supplier/partnership relations

We expect candidates to have one or more of the following:

  • Experience creating or supporting strategic partnership, ideally within technology and transportation
  • In-depth knowledge of the mobility technology sector, with experience in one or several of the following areas: public transportation, ridesharing, ride-hailing, shared micro mobility.
  • Experience in execution of technology strategies in innovative mobility solutions space
  • Proven track record of product/project delivery, from early development to market entry

Product Manager Consultant
The Product Manager consultant will support work streams on product design of possible new service offerings based on autonomous vehicle technology. In addition, they are expected to contribute to other work streams as needed by the project and as time allows.

Together with the rest of the project team, the chosen candidate will:

  • Be responsible for shaping possible new service offerings
  • Work on how to support possible new service offerings moving forwards
  • Manage any product development activities triggered by possible new service offerings

We expect candidates to have one or more of the following:

  • Experience with products/services that consist of both physical and digital solutions
  • Proven track record of product/project delivery, from early development to market entry
  • Experience with AV (autonomous) technology and/or digital mobility technology ecosystems
  • In-depth knowledge of the mobility technology sector, with experience in one or several of the following areas: public transportation, ridesharing, ride-hailing, shared micro mobility.
  • Experience in execution of technology strategies in innovative mobility solutions space

Personal attributes
During a reference check we will ask about experience to support the listed attributes:

  • Comfort in navigating uncertainty in fast-paced “startup-like” environments
  • You are a doer with high capacity and a business mindset
  • Must be able to execute on the strategical, on day-to-day analytical level, and operational
  • support to the core project team
  • Excellent English communication skills

The consultants will work full time within our project, and we can accommodate on site (Oslo) or remote. If remote, some travel to Oslo, Norway is expected, as well as travel to global partners.

Required skills:
Mobility technology sector AV Technology Shared micro mobility Public transportation

Competence area

Project management











Option to prolong

Apply before


Contact person:
Marthon Hermansen
Sourcing Manager
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