Testmanager for Application Integration
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Our customer within banking is in the need of a Test Manager in an agile program setup across the whole of PaymentServices. The initial period will be until the summer, as we need to align on Test Strategy across and understand the potential continuing need for this role. Assuming 100%, but open for slightly lower with a good setup out of Oslo as a preference, but also Copenhagen is possible.
Overall reponsibility:
- Ensure that team and product areas take responsibility for quality in every step of the value chain for the customer
- Ensure a common test approach/detail and verification across MPS.
- Ensure that AMWS testing is done in conjunction with shared services, infrastructure and BizOps to ensure correct quality for the various environments and during the migration steps.
Specifically this entails:
- Producing a high level test strategy, creating high level control/quality ensuring details are kept on the team/product level.
- Interfacing with shared services, BizOps and Infrastructure:
- to ensure various dates/times for test readiness is aligned
- to ensure the DoR for each component/service/infrastructure moved into integration testing and higher environments.
- ensuring migration steps are tested appropriately, ie. when application A is running in production in MC DC, whilst talking to application B in Nets DC.
- Ensuring that application restore or failover is tested. Ensuring appropriate performance testing.
- Developing a common quality / standard for testing.
- BizOps testing includes verifying that monitoring, logging, standard restart procedures++ are in place
- Coordination with customer testing in ensuring right applications are present and verified in correct Customer testing environment
- Align on what external support is needed for Acceptance testing.
- Ensure tool support/information for bug tracking in stage and higher.
- Utilize program mechnisms for risk, dependencies, planning and reporting
Reporting:The role reports into AMWS. The aim is for testing to be covered by interfacing with existing processes.
Required skills:
Competence area
Test and test management
Norsk og Engelsk
Option to prolong
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